military bounty book


Military Bounty Land 1776-1855
$19.95 + $7.75 postage

Finally, a guide book covering all aspects of bounty land from the Revolution through the last bounty land act of 1855. This book explains in detail why bounty land was granted, who was eligible, and the process that was needed to claim it. Learn about these incredibly rich documents holding all types of family information. The book includes an appendix of the laws granting bounty land. An indispensible guide to learning about and accessing these important underused records.
Paperback: 176 pages, 8.5" x 11", illus., Published 2011
ISBN 978-092962620-8

View the Table of Contents of Military Bounty Land 1776-1855


courthouse research book


Courthouse Research for Family Historians: Your Guide to Genealogical Treasures: 2d ed

updated 2020
$21.95 + $7.75 postage

The only guidebook devoted totally to courthouse research, from an author who has researched in more than 500 courthouses of the U.S. Christine starts with the preparation, giving advice on which courthouse to research first, how to prepare, and how to get past the clerks into the records. She then offers concrete examples of what will be found in each office, how to use the indexes in that office, and how to interpret what is found. Going beyond the location of the record, she discusses evaluation of the records, significance to the family's search, and many other facets of research. Written in a clear style, concise, and with many tips for novices to advanced researchers. Updated 2d ed 2020.
Paperback: 237 pages, 8.5" x 11", illus., Published 2004, 2020
ISNB 978-0-929626-22-2 Historians: Your Guide to Genealogical Treasures: 2d ed


genealogical proof standard book


Genealogical Proof Standard: Building a Solid Case, 4th ed.
NEW!! 2014. $9.95 + $2.75 postage

NEW!! This 4th revised edition incorporates 2014 changes in the standard. It gives a clear explanation of the difference between the Genealogical Proof Standard and of the analysis and evaluation of evidence upon which we build our case. It retains the readability of the previous edition but leaves the reader with a better understanding of the five points of the GPS as distinguished from the three step classification process for evidence analysis. Many examples included.
Paperback: 68 pages, 8.5" x 5.5", illus., Published 2014
ISBN 978-0-929626-21-5

View the Table of Contents of Genealogical Proof Standard: Building a Solid Case, 4th ed.


corthouse indexes book


Courthouse Indexes Illustrated
$9.95 + $2.75 postage

This handy book illustrates over thirty indexes used in courthouses. Each has a simple explanation on how to use the index. Don't miss records of your family because of a misunderstanding of how to use the index in that county. Useful for those who go to the courthouse personally, or those who use microfilm.
Paperback: 72 pages, 8.5" x 5.5", illus., Published 2006
ISBN 0-929626-17-6

View the Table of Contents of Courthouse Indexes Illustrated


nicknames book


Nicknames: Past and Present, 5th ed.
$9.95 + $2.75 postage

This popular book is now in its 5th edition. The book was borne from the author's own frustration many years ago when, as a novice, she finally discovered after a long search for non-existent ancestors, that "Patsy" was a common nickname for Martha, "Sandy" for Alexander, "Left" for Eliphalet, "Peter" for Patrick, and others. This led to the research of nicknames, and publication of this book. The book is divided into male and female names, fully cross-indexed by given name and nickname. Through several new editions appendixes now include English Names and their Equivalents in Dutch and Frisian Baptismal Names; Truncated and Superscripted Names; names used for both males and females; Italian given names with English equivalents, nicknames, diminutives, etc.
Paperback: 80 pages, 8.5" x 5.5", illus., Published 2007
ISBN 978-0-929626-18-5

View the Table of Contents of Nicknames: Past and Present, 5th ed.


idiots guide to genealogy


The Complete Idiot's Guide to Genealogy
$19.95 + $6.65 postage

(New York: Penquin/Alpha Books, 2012).
By Christine Rose, co-authored with Kay Germain Ingalls. 3rd edition!
Paperback, 432 pages, Available from the author. (Or order through bookstores such as Barnes and Noble,, etc.)


Military Pension Acts: 1776 to 1858
$11.00 + $7.75 postage

Military records are full of genealogical gems. To gain an understanding of the laws which generated pensions, the statutes have been examined and those portions relating to the pensions have been reproduced in this book. Knowing how the law read will enable the researcher to understand the papers generated.
Spiral bind: 8.5" x 11"


Declarations of Intention from 1850 to 1870: Santa Clara County, California
$11.00 + $4.00 postage

For those with a relative who lived in this county, this book summarizes the Declarations of Intention in this period. Many of these early Californians filed their original papers in the east. In some cases birthplace, point of entry, etc. are given. In all cases the declarant stated the country for which he was renouncing his allegiance, thus indicating the country of his citizenship prior to the Declaration of Intention.


MORE Genealogies and Related Books
Compiled by Christine Rose

